The latest Lady Gaga collaboration in web marketing involved a commercial ad for Google Chrome, having a slogan which says: “The web is what you make of it.” It is an ordinary advertisement of Google’s web browser, though when you relate it with Lady Gaga, it means much more. Lady Gaga has, this time, taken over the entire web to design such an unavoidable marketing display for her new album, Born This Way, that even her critics appreciate her endeavors.
Her web promotional campaign till the album release date of 23rd May, and even after that, has been commended by almost everyone. There is no doubt in asserting that Lady Gaga is a pure trendsetter, and this time she has set a massive trend for all her fellow stars in the industry on how to use the web in different ways to have digital and social media in promoting themselves and connect with fans. The 25-year-old superstar has kept her grip on the web since day one, which has led her to be a pro on all major social networking website. Just last year, Lady Gaga set a record to be the first artist reaching 1 billion views on YouTube, while she surpassed the President Barack Obama’s 10 million Facebook fans to reach another new record of almost 35 million Facebook Fans. While just very recently, her latest record was to be the first Twitter user to gain 10 million followers.
Her record breaking popularity doubled with the promotional net she sows on the web, has spread her presence all over the internet. She started with a partnership with Zynga for a new FarmVille-inspired game called, GagaVille, later joining Starbucks for a huge scavenger hunt. Moreover, she has constantly used VEVO for exclusive premieres, added with an exclusive concert with HBO, and free lifetime subscriptions with Rdio too. iTunes also collaborated to do an out of the ordinary promotional countdown for her album, as Best Buy and Livestream were also collaborated for album signing and Gilt Groupe and Amazon Cloud Player for deals.
According to one of the infinite number of Gaga fans, Alexa Scordato, who’s also a digital strategist, “Gaga and her team are some of the best marketers around; they understand the importance of integrating social with traditional media, engaging audiences in real-time, and most of all, telling a story that is relatable and worth spreading.”

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