Barnes & Noble made an official announcement on Tuesday, declaring the launch of its latest version in the line of Nook e-readers. This new nook device, called ‘Simple Touch Reader’ is promised to be relatively smaller than its preceding version, housed with a black-and-white E-Ink touch screen device, having a battery life of almost two months.
This new ‘Simple Touch Reader’ is a very large step and a major upgrade from the previous models in the Nook line. It is such an advancement that it even beats the much popular, Amazon’s Kindle 3, in some aspects. Simple Touch Readers simply has a touch screen, making it actually button-less, which saves time for powering the device on/off from backside like in Kindle 3. Secondly it has almost twice the battery time, added with a 1.5 inches shorter size (5 x 6.5 inches) and it is also lighter in weight by one ounce (7.5 ounces). Lastly, it also promises a less time in page-turning delay. Both the devices are sold at equal price of $139, having the same built-in Wi-Fi capability and display screen of 6-inch each.
The device was launched on Tuesday, as the entire team of Barnes & Noble as many analysts claim that the company deserves applause, considering development of the company in hardware over the past year. However, this celebration could also cause more rivalry as Amazon is already planning to soon launch its next generation of Kindle device this summer. It has been launching newer version if its e-reader each summer since three years now. While every time it brings a very significant upgrade to storage, speed or battery life. Though considering the competition in market, it will be interesting to see whether Amazon decides to let go of its button in the new model or not.
Considering, even if Kindle’s new version is not able to surpass the new features of the Simple Touch Reader, it is highly doubtable that loyal Kindle users will let go of their current devices so easily. Hence, Barnes & Noble still has a long way to go, as it establishes its own customer base in the market.
Another suggestion from experts, illustrates it will be better for Barnes & Noble to concentrate on capturing the low-end Android market, rather than wasting time in accumulating more users in E-Ink E-readers market which is already dominated by Amazon.

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