It is a norm to be using wireless Internet connection (better known as WiFi), and charging your laptops through the power adopters going into the wall sockets. Now there is another alternative method of charging your electronic gadgets, especially the ones which have the capability of wireless connectivity, is “wireless charging.” It is not exactly a completely invented idea, because there are already devices available in the markets which charge your mobiles and laptops wirelessly, but those are extremely less efficient. However, now a study in the Duke University has made a new revelation.
According to the study supervised by the university, a new word has been coined as "metamaterials," which will be used to refer those composite materials which have extremely unique properties. Predictably these properties will make it further easier to transfer power through wireless methods to the electrical devices with minimum power dissipation. Conventionally an unacceptable amount of electricity is wasted during the transmission from the power source to the wireless device using the wireless charger, but with metamaterials maximum energy will be kept intact, since these materials are best at conduction and refocusing the power lost. Study exemplifies metamaterial, as an array of copper conducting loops It is explained to be imagined as placing an array at given positions between the device and its power source, whereas the electricity will be transferred directly through it.
Metamaterials will perhaps be used in making real-world products within the next two to three years, exclaimed the assistant Professor heading this study, Yaroslav Urzhumov. Few of the most prominent already-existing wireless chargers in the market include Powermat. These only offer wireless charging for some phones and iPods. Urzhumov promises that with the help of metamaterials this technology will be boosted in both the aspects of range and power. He told InnovationNewsDaily that "Our proposition is an extension of the magnetic induction-based, near-field coupling technology." Further adding that "It is based on the same fundamental principle, Faraday's law of induction; however, it ramps up the power-transfer efficiency by increasing the mutual inductive coupling between the transmitter and the receiver."
Further increasing the efficiency, the future improvements of metamaterials may even include powering bigger appliances and gadgets like electric automobiles, hoped Urzhumov. He added that "Exposing metals to the aggressively oxidizing environment leads to fast corrosion and subsequent loss of contact."

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