Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Sharing Tool of Facebook Largely Influences the Audience of Big News Websites

Facebook has managed to greatly influence the general reading done online on the internet too, as more and more people share the most popular websites and recommend content on the social networking website. According to the study results revealed on Monday, by the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism, one of the most astonishing discoveries made from the study was that the internet traffic flow towards the Web's 25 largest news destinations is initiated through Facebook now.
SAN ANSELMO, CA - MAY 09:  The Facebook websit...Image by Getty Images via @daylife
The study held Facebook responsible for 3% of traffic directed towards the 21 major websites. The co-author of the study, Amy Mitchell, herself stated that five of the sites even have their 6% to 8% of their audience coming from Facebook. This audience was mostly redirected via the most common feature of posting link on the wall of Facebook user, allowing their friends on social-networking site to view it, additionally the well spread "like" buttons also post a mini-activity post on the wall also letting more Facebook users to see other websites.

Having said that, it shall also be mentioned, despite this drastic increase of Facebook’s effect, it is still barely noticeable in regards to the share of Google. Google Inc. is world’s most leading search engine which is credit will almost ten times more than Facebook, about 30%, of the total traffic towards these top news sites in survey, enlightened Pew.
This indicates that Facebook, along with other sharing websites like as or Tumblr, are spreading the practice of people relying on their own social circles to bring them the interesting content rather than Google, which is an automated mechanism to help people find news. Facebook is the leading website supporting such change, powered by its 500 million plus worldwide users.
Pew’s report also mentioned that "If searching for the news was the most important development of the last decade, sharing the news may be among the most important of the next." After Facebook, Twitter is second in line causing this change, with around 1% of the traffic, which is backed up by 175 million accounts.
These facts were revealed by the Pew report, which is based on the study and analysis of Internet traffic data, monitored and logged by the research firm Nielsen Co. The time period for this study, were the first nine months of last year. 

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