Friday, June 3, 2011

The New-Born iPad App, Flipboard, Doubles Its Number of Users and Triples Its Traffic in Just Two Months

Traffic of the users on Flipboard App has enlarged dramatically with a 300% boost since this early March only, which consequently lead to record breaking 8 and 9 million flips, announced the C.E.O., Mike McCue. Flipboard is a very new-born iPad application which converts your social and media feeds and presents a digital form of a magazine, where a flip is a touch on the screen which could be imagined as a single page view. Moreover, the social news app has also literally doubled its number of users in these two months.
Image representing Flipboard as depicted in Cr...            Image via CrunchBase
The app automatically collects data from all major social media and other websites; including Facebook, Twitter, Google Reader, Flickr. All the user has to do, is to only integrate these services into the app only once and the app repeatedly shows a magazine-like layout of all the feed coming from every source. The user saves itself the trouble of having to sign in to each service separately, and keep a track of every website one by one, also crowding up the poor browser of iPad. The app allows the user to get rod pf opening multiple tabs in the browser, or browser at all, along with bypassing the trouble to check on the desktop for the RSS feeds, mailbox and all other stuff. The user is easily updated with all information that also carefully set in order and priority, typically with a picture of one of your friends on vacation on the cover.
Off course the user has the ultimate control over his page, one can quickly add, remove or modify the way the topical feeds occur or even try different versions of Flipboard publications. There is a vast variety of layouts stored within the app itself, one of which you’re bound to fall in love with. Furthermore, the app also frees the user of any kind of advertisement, as going to tones of website can get really complicated.
These past two weeks have been heavenly for the Flipboard, which has also achieved awards like Webbys and People's Voice Awards in the category of tablet news and social apps. The app has also acquired the agreement with Oprah Winfrey Media Empire in such small time period as it works out its deals with Forbes this week too, according to Folio.

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