It was stated against Google Inc. in the Monday edition of state-run newspaper of China, largely influenced by the Chinese Communist Party, that the latest allegations of cyber hack attacks being originated from China were totally driven by politics. It further straight forwardly warned the Internet Search Giant that if such activates were not stopped, ultimately its own business might suffer. The article in the People’s Daily newspaper mentioned that "Google's accusations against China are fictitious and have ulterior motives and sinister intentions."

Google Inc. was largely accused of attempting to create disputes between China and the U.S., and intentionally trying to obstruct the cooperation between both the countries to fight cybercrime. It was officially announced by Google last week that it has finally traced the origin of the cyber spying hack attacks, launched in its emailing services, to be near the eastern city of Jinan in China. It was alleged that these spying hack attacks were targeted to victimize hundreds of users of Gmail, specially the U.S. government officials, military personnel and political activists. China has been extremely straight forwarded in this regard and refuted every allegation made, blaming it to be related to these attacks in one way or the other. The article further stated that "Google should not be drawn into international political conflicts and serve as a tool for political games, because one fears that if international political winds shift it might be sacrificed and suffer in the marketplace."
Google does not exactly has the perfect relationship with the Chinese authorities either, it has had a very bumpy ride trying to expand its business in the immensely populated country. Google Inc., based in Mountain View, California, suspended the Chinese version of its search engine last year, after it had to face a public dispute over censorship angering the Communist leaders. Google was still permitted to keep its network of advertising sales offices in China. Though without the presence of its local version of the search engine website, the market share of Google have drowned to 19.2 percent from the previous 35.6 percent, stated a study by a Beijing research firm, Analysys International.
FBI is currently investigating the allegations on China by Google Inc. as the U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, called the situation "very serious." Jinan is the same Chinese state where the vocational military school is located, students of which were previously related to a separate attacks on Google's systems 17 months ago.

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