Finally the Chinese military has responded to the on-going accusations made against it, it rather blamed U.S. on Friday, alleging that the U.S. is attempting to launch a worldwide "Internet war." China asserted that this internet war is aimed to target the Arab and other governments, and it is just framing China to be responsible for these Western hack attacks just to provide cover for its own actions. This declaration was made by the Chinese military academy scholars on Friday, as they pleaded to have an even tougher policing of Internet. These actions are a result of an accusation made by Google Inc., regarding hack attacks on its emailing system being originated from within China, aimed to acquired personal information by hacking the accounts of government officials, military personnel and political activists of the U.S. Precisely Google stated that it has traced the hack attacks to be originated from the city of Jinan, which is actually also housing a military vocational school. China immediately denied the all the allegations, imposing that it was not responsibility for either of the two alleged attacks. It was written in one of the Communist Party-controlled China newspapers, Youth Daily: "Of late, an Internet tornado has swept across the world ... massively impacting and shocking the globe. Behind all this lays the shadow of America." This article was signed by both Ye Zheng and Zhao Baoxian, identified scholars at the Academy of Military Sciences, also mentioning that "Faced with this warmup for an Internet war, every nation and military can't be passive but is making preparations to fight the Internet war."
It was asserted, in the article, that while nuclear bombs were the weapons of industrial era, now the Internet War is the main product of today’s information age. The article threateningly declared that such conflicts can result in huge destruction, challenging the national security and the very existence of the state. It was stated that China needs to "express to the world its principled stance of maintaining an 'Internet border' and protecting its 'Internet sovereignty,' unite all advanced forces to dive into the raging torrent of the age of peaceful use of the Internet, and return to the Internet world a healthy, orderly environment." On the other hand, FBI has asserted that it is still investigating the allegations made by Google, though it confirmed that none of the official government email accounts were compromised at any stage.

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