It has just been a week since the “30 Rock” star, Alec Baldwin, was born in Twittersphere that he immediately begins discussing hearty and deep topics like the country’s politics and the potential scale of the 2012 presidential contenders. He gave a vague indication that there might be a possibility that he himself may perhaps run for presidency in 2012. The actor has reportedly said earlier this year that, I’m “very, very interested” in scoring a political position. He is also allegedly going to leave the network, giving up his role as a “30 Rock” star, as his contract also expires just in time for beginning the election campaign of 2012.
Baldwin wrote in his article published in Higginson Post, back in April, that “I want to take the opportunity to state that although my days on network TV may be numbered, I hope ‘30 Rock’ goes on forever.” He also tweeted regarding the topic this Thursday and Friday, he declared that the state of the nation is declining and question whether who will be the decent leader for the country, which it needs. He wrote on Friday that “I mentioned Romney because if he can overcome the Mormon issue with the Christian right, he could win it.”

Baldwin kept talking about Romney, and once even stated that “his contradictions re: Health care can be ironed out by clever GOP and conservative think tank types.” He also added later that “Unwarranted fear/loathing of Obama is sad, but real. Romney has that Plymouth Rock last name.” Several tweets later, Baldwin declared that Romney is one of the best choices for the Republican Party, he said “Romney has the best chance. But that’s not saying much.”
Obviously such political tweets coming from a famed celebrity had to see a considerate about of critiques as well, responding to one of these Baldwin questioned the petitioner “Who then? Newt? Huckabee? Christie? Obama would slice and dice them.” He gave another angle to his concerns and stated that “Miot Americans have already forgotten the BP spill, Fukushima,” adding to which he later asserted that “Americans, too many of them, seem to only care about sex and taxes.”
Upon inquiry of the Times on whether he was eligible to be a candidate in the presidential election, he replied that “That’s what I hate about Schwarzenegger. His only credentials are that he ran a fitness program under some bygone president … I’m Tocqueville compared to Arnold Schwarzenegger.”

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