Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Two Sweden Natives Sentenced Life Imprisonment In Philippine For Their Cybersex Activities in the Country

Two Sweden natives were sentenced to life imprisonment by the Philippine Courts for the charges of not only violating human trafficking laws, but also running a live cybersex website on the internet, in the southern are of the city, which mostly catered foreigners.
Lalae Garcia which is a worker of Tubaga movement, a women and children rights group, boasted openly that getting convictions out of the foreigners was their first legal victory against the battle, which they are prepared for, against the foreign-operated porn operations taking place in Philippine soil. She later even spoke directly to media immediately after court decision was announced Cagayan de Oro, she declared that "This is definitely a major victory for abused and exploited women." She was the one to first inform the media the punishments of Swedes and also the three Filipino accomplices of them.
The law enforcement agencies of the country claim that cybersex, i.e. providing sexually explicit material over the internet, is an increasingly growing industry not only in Philippine, but in other parts of the world as well. However, they were keen to admit that Philippine is reputed to be a place where there is low risk of arrest and high returns, among the criminal community.
The actual decision of the court was passed on 6th of May, while the public press release of the decision was scheduled on Tuesday, when it was further declared that the Sweden natives named, Emil Andreas Solemo and Bo Stefan Sederholm, are both also fined a sum of 2 million pesos each, i.e. $46,500. The three local Filipinos which also assisted the foreign criminals were also sentenced to 20 years of jail time along with the fine of one million pesos each.
The formal document of the court decision, which was 25 pages long, read at once instance that "Disrespect for Filipino women and violations of our laws deserve the strongest condemnation from this court."
The director of the National Bureau of Investigation in Philippine, Justo Yap, sadly reported that 18 women, whose age was somewhere in between 19 to 24, were caught and rescued in the raid on their property in April 2009. He shared that some of these arrested women were actually naked at the time of raid, and were actually sending live feeds to clients abroad.

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