White iPhone kits have seen very desperate attempts of creating kits by Apple fanboys, which has apparently reached an end-point for Apple. Apple recently traced down one such creator of White iPhone kits, Fei Lam. 17-years-old Lam, had previously ordered several integral parts of White iPhone from Apple’s official manufacturer, Foxconn, in November of 2010. His impatience led him to design and create a model which was worth $130,000 off the kits.
According to the news cited from Mac Rumors, Apple had hired a private investigator who was keeping full surveillance on the teenaged kid, along with his online website: WhiteiPhone4Now.com. The website has now been suspended and no longer online on the web. Apple did not only find the boy but has also filed a legal lawsuit against the teenager along with his parents. The lawsuit accuses Lam to be infringing on several Apple patents along with the violation of its trademark, additively it was also stated that the Liam used “deceptive practices” to create and selling those kits. Furthermore, Apple has stated that these kits were purposefully sold to confuse the customers of its registered products, and alleged that Liam’s parents were a part of this conduct, as Liam himself is an underage minor.
However despite all this legal actions, Apple seems not to be going for money but instead only scaring Lam and perhaps setting up an example. Simultaneously when Apple sued Lam, it also filed a “dismissal without prejudice,” application which gave Apple the right to sue the Lam in the future, if it chooses to, but will not sue him for money at the moment. This may also be interpreted as both the parties might have had a settlement out-of-court. In case there is disagreement, Apple reserves all the rights to sue Lam along with his family again, and they would be liable to return all the profits they might have made from selling the kits, also including the cost Apple may spend on pursuing this case.
During an online interview conversation with Fast Company, Lam informed that he was not completely sure regarding the proceedings of the lawsuit, whether it is dismissed yet or not, since he has to finish the matter with Apple’s legal team in New York next month. He further mentioned that he will be starting a new website, SimilarInterests.org, which will connect all the people with similar interests.
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