Thursday, June 2, 2011

SemiAccurate Claim That Apple Will Soon Ditch Intel Processors and Entirely Bring New ARM CPUs In The Middle Of 2013

The latest rumors are claiming that when the time comes, Apple will be getting rid of the Intel-made processors and upgrade its CPUs with the latest ARM completely. The report was traced back to SemiAccurate, which suspected that “Apple is moving the laptop line, and presumably desktops too, to ARM based chips as soon as possible.” Moreover, it was also informed alongside the rumors, that this step is still years away from today. However, the claims did go on to assure that regardless of this might taking a while, it was a sure thing that the Apple will make the move, as the article read the situation to be a “done deal.”
Image representing Intel as depicted in CrunchBase              Image via CrunchBase
Whatever sources did SemiAccurate has tracked, it has publicly announced that the Apple this transition will occur as the ARM chips take over and move the company entirely to the 64-bit processors. Analysts are predicting that such takeover might be strategically suitable to sometime around the middle of 2013.
Charlie Demerjian of SemiAccurate, mentioned in his article that “At that point, Apple can move to ARM without worrying about obsoleting code with an ISA that is on the verge of changing, and no memory overhead worries either.” He went on also titling his prediction, as quoted he said that “Basically, it looks like the perfect time. Demerjian was asserting in his article that Apple maybe perhaps be leaving behind Intel, it fears that Intel intends to leave Apple behind in the darkness. Therefore, this allegations becomes a little less believable considering it predicts the relations between the two companies to be fragile, however Intel would never intend to keep about its processes from Apple.
Apple is currently using the ARM architecture within its A5 chip, which is was of its selling point in iPad 2, and same is being considered with the upcoming iPhone 5. This indicates that ARM and Apple do have some chemistry together and they can very well enter such partnership too. This, on the other hand, makes the rumors of the entire ARM taking over Apple a little more believable. It is noticeable here, that the rumors have remained on the concept of whether this ARM chips designed for Apple will be an in-house job, like A5, or not.
Considering that these rumors are correct, Apple will have to tweak most of its applications a little, in order for the too work with ease with the ARM chips. This is necessary as the ARM chips seem to be a little different in nature and functionality when compared with the Intel’s CPUs. Another reason for a general viewer to believe this rumor is because the previous claims coming from SemiAccurate have turned out to be true till now. One such newsbreak of SemiAccurate was that Apple will be discontinuing the use of Nvidia graphics cards in its PCs, which later proved to be true.

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