Monday, May 9, 2011

UberMedia Might Be Considering To Develop Its Own Twitter Alternative in Competition

Twitter seems to be taking a bold step while it lens towards encouraging the developers to back off from creating Twitter clients, maybe they haven’t considered yet the odds of those developers agonizing enough to build their own alternative service to Twitter iteslf. CNN reports that UberMedia, the same company behind all the UberSocial, Echofon and Twidroyd, has been seriously considering to develop its own competitor similar to Twitter. CNN has allegedly contacted three people who have led them to this belief, which are not actually authorized to speak on the matter. It has been a constant buzz about Twitter not moving from its message length restrictions.

In the recent months, UberMedia purchased quite a few glamorous Twitter clients, which immediately made itself a large third-party powerhouse. The company, which totals revenue of $17.5 million in funding in February, has also been victims to the rumors that it is also negotiating to buy another renowned third-party TweetDeck.
UberMedia went afoul of some Twitter policies in late February, which consequently let for Twitter to temporarily ban the apps like Twidroyd. Even though the app was again allowed the access back on Twitter only after a few days, it did not resolve the danger Twitter put in the heart of its third-party clients. It clearly showed that Twitter exclusively dominates over the client applications, and has led the company like UberMedia to consider having alternatives to the problem of great reliability of Twitter. This is the major crisis, when you build up an entire business which feeds over another platform not belonging to the first company. Now consider that Twitter rules or policies concerning the platform change at some point in time, UberMedia will be totally put in great threat.
CNN reports that UberMedia's mysterious alterative of Twitter may only be a "just in case" support plan, which maybe only put into use if or when the relations with Twitter break down. It is worth mentioning here that plenty companies have already had few failed attempts at building a Twitter rival and competing with the company. Obviously, those stories will be will discussed before the plans of UberMedia, hence we assume that the company is hoping to use the force of its user base for constructing their this new alternative network to Twitter.
As much as its understandable that why the companies in situation like UberMedia would convince ably like to expand their window of option and minimize as much dependence on other companies as possible. It is still a very sensitive prediction to consider if actually such idea of an alternative to such a giant network will actually work.
Third-party apps which daily connect with Twitter API all the time, have been growing more in numbers each day. Hence it will be very difficult for only one of that company, like UberMedia, to successfully not only develop such alternative platform but also be able to make work in parallel to Twitter.

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