Wednesday, May 4, 2011

HP: Former executive boosted secrets then bolted

Hewlett-Packard Co. has just filed a lawsuit against its own former executive and HP has alleged that their own former employee has purposefully accumulated sensitive secrets of the company before quitting and has intentionally continued working for its rival company, Oracle Corp.
The former executive employee, Adrian Jones, was previously the V.P. of HP in Asia. The rivalry ship between the two Silicon Valley tycoons, HP and Oracle has come after a long history of partnerships and working together, after which the growing competition between the companies affected the relationship inevitably. Hence now, HP has put this allegation on Jones that he purposefully resigned on the 16th of February, 2011.

HP also stated that Jones was already going to be fired soon, if hadn’t resigned already, for supposedly violating HP's standards. According to the lawsuit’s filing, which took place on Wednesday, Jones is officially of having "close personal relationship" with a subordinate        . Moreover, it has been said that unnecessary large amount of expenses were paid by the company for visiting the subordinate, which did not actually have any legitimate business purpose. Moreover, HP has also put very serious allegation of Jones acquiring large chunks of data, in form of e-mails and different files, which were very sensitive secrets of HP, before he actually quit.
HP now gave its stance in the lawsuit that it "seeks to prevent Jones from using the theft of confidential HP documents to place HP in an unfair competitive disadvantage." The competition between HP and Oracle actually began back when Oracle acquired Sun Microsystems, just last year.  This was indeed a server computer seller, which had intense competition with HP.
Later it caught fire when the C.E.O of Oracle, Larry Ellison, was revealed practically ridiculing of the board of directors of HP on their decision of hiring his friend and former HP’s C.E.O. Mark Hurd over imprecise expense reports. Further enhancement in the rivalry ship of the two countries was achieved when Oracle was found targeting the new hire in place of Hurd, Leo Apotheker.

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