Saturday, April 30, 2011

1st April Fool Day’s Jokes Continue All Day

1st April, 2011 was like any other April fool’s Day where tomfoolery is celebrated on an international level as pranks, hoaxes and practical jokes continue the entire day long and every keeps themselves cautions to not to fall for an of them.
Search engine giant Google, retains its supremacy of 1st April pranks, for which it has a good known reputation for a decade long time. Google announced its new feature for G-Mail, which offered absurd and both hilarious "motion-controlled" system apparently users to be able to operate G-Mail and write e-mails through different gestures as a replacement to old-fashioned keyboards and mice control. Whereas, Google was obviously not alone offering crazy new feature; LinkedIn, the favorite networking website for business personal fooled its users by allowing them to have apparently connected with Ernest Hemingway. Coupon hawker Living Social presented free salami-based spa treatment passes to fool its users and the undisputable photography mogul, Eastman Kodak distributed pain-free permanent photo tattoos to its customers.

Moreover, pranks continued the whole day in the world of technology and outside as Animal Planet published a press release declaring that it will offer a very profitable arrangement for anyone who actually locates and calls in the famed escapee Bronx Zoo cobra, which one news outlet reported as fact. On the other hand manages New York Hilton challenged through a tweet that if the Cobra manages to have escaped the zoo again then they’d grace the extremely poisonous Egyptian cobra its "Penthouse ssssuite.”
Whole Foods also among the leading pranksters of the day which served dishes and meals like "Insects Raised With Compassion," "Save Money with Refurbished Spices" on their menu of the day.
A columnist belonging to a newspaper, Chicago Sun-Times published in his blog as a joke that he has been fired for putting together the Christian extremist armies with radical Islamic terrorist groups. Being a columnist his words were so assuring that apparently no one suspected it was a hoax. He had asked the readers to e-mail him for any inquiry and planned to send an automated reply saying APRIL FOOLS. But it turned out to be a turmoil as almost everybody turned out to be very sensitive on the matter and he ended up receiving innumerable emails along with threatening phone calls and texts along noticeable online posts, including the one from his own mother who herself asked whether "is it true?"

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