Sunday, March 20, 2011

#EntertainmentNews: Lawyers Discuss the Permission of TV Coverage for the Jackson Doctor’s Trial Case

Both the defense attorneys along with the prosecutors of the late Pop King Micheal Jackson’s case are scheduled to agree upon several issues of the case one of which is the plan of whether or not will TV coverage of the trial of the doctor be allowed or not. The doctor his now facing charges of involuntary manslaughter which he had pleaded not guilty in front of the entire coot.
Michael Jackson and his doctor!

Next hearing is planned to take place on this Tuesday which will not only include the coverage plans but also the jury questionnaire issues and discovery of evidence will also be brought to light. Dr. Conrad Murray has to defend the case and prove himself not guilty for the death of the superstar which took place on the 25th of June, 2009.
Attorneys were also asked on the previous hearing by the court to provide the names of their proposed witnesses. The trial is in process and is expected to begin around the 24th of March and might even last up to about six weeks. 

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