Tuesday, March 22, 2011

#EntertainmentNews: Charlie Sheen Resumes His Job and Starts Working Again

Charlie Sheen, the actor

Charlie Sheen finally finishes his rehabilitation time and returns to his show ‘Two and A Half Men’ as the production begins again on the 28th of February. It has been announced that now the studio will only be used to produces only 4 more episodes of the record breaking comedy show of CBS, as it begins winding up their seventh season after that. This will now make a reduced number of 4 episodes comparing to what was originally scheduled by the network.
The last original episode aired on the CBS before the show actually was kept on hold for undisclosed time was aired on the 14th of February. The very suitable primetime timeslot brought them a huge number of 14.5 million viewers.
Considering all the issues regarding the production of the show, it is being wondered that now whether the 300 crew workers who were forced to stay on hold till the actor was unavailable will receive compensations for the hold on the production.

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