Saturday, February 12, 2011

#EntertainmentNews: Shooting at Tucson ironically benefits the entire news network

Out of all the everyday news casting everyday and night, the evening news bulletin telling about the outcome of the brutal shootings in Tucson on the 8th January literally stands out.
The routine show of NBC Nightly News surprisingly accumulated over 10.5 million viewers (3.1 million in news' target demo of 25-54 year olds) for the week ending January 16th. It was definitely a record breaking view of a best newscast delivery almost since a complete year (since February 22, 2010). Brian Williams was the anchorperson of the specific news which aired from Tucson Monday through Wednesday (January 10-12).

ABC World News also saw the same response which bumped the last weeks averaging up to 9.1 million viewers (2.1 million in the demo), which scored the season high for the week. Diane Sawyer was the anchorperson of ABC World News at the time from Tucson on Monday, when the broadcast pulled in nearly 10 million viewers. Specifically it was the views of Tuesday which raised the toll of 10.3 million.
On the third number, CBS Evening News hosted by Katie Couric also posted extra-ordinary response as well; it was averaging 7.1 million viewers for the week and 2.1 million in the demo.

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