Saturday, February 12, 2011

#EntertainmentNews: GLAAD Nominees includes like Glee, 30 Rock and Howl

GLAAD - Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation is hosting a ceremony to credit all the movies, musicians, TV shows along with other possible media bodies which are giving just and appreciable representations of the gay community. All the nominees for the GLAAD Awards were announced this Thursday to be credited on their 22nd annual Media Awards.

Major nominees in the Film category will include the shows; The Kids Are All Right, Burlesque, Easy A and Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. Whereas among the TV dramas nominations included all those popular series which involve the concept gay community in one or the other, few most famous were: Grey's Anatomy and Brothers & Sisters of ABC, True Blood of HBO along with the ABC Family's Pretty Little Liars. Chely Wright and Scissor Sisters are few of those nominated in the music category.
GLAAD will also be honoring all the theater performances, comic books, blogs, talk shows, documentaries, newspaper and magazine articles along with comedy or reality shows as well. GLAAD's website is the most authentic source of the entire list of all nominations.

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