Friday, February 4, 2011

#EntertainmentNews: Italy's Best Mediaset Announces new 24-Hour News Channel of Its Network

David Nelson

The star, David Nelson, of the parents’ most favourite show in their times "The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet." Passed away on this Tueasay, as confirmed by their family spokesman who stated his age to be 74. He was at his own place at the Century City, L.A. fighting with the cruelties of colon cancer. All these confirmations were made by his family spokesman, who is also an old time Hollywood publicist, Dale Olson.

Nelson was the only one person left living out of the member of the Nelsons TV family, in which we consider the actor/bandleader Ozzie, along with his singer wife, Harriet Hilliard and his teen idol brother Rick. This show was took start from just the radio in 1952 as "Here Come the Nelsons,"  and since then it spread like fire and reached for 320 episodes on TV from 1952 to 1966 as "The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet.”
David Nelson was not only the actor for the show, but he timely us used to direct and produce several episodes of the show all the way through while it was being aired. 

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