Saturday, January 29, 2011

#EntertainmentNews: Sears, Kmart Both Open Their Own Online Video Store: Alphaline Entertainment

Looks like both Sears and Kmart have intended to enter the always varying digital-movie rental and sale industry with their new online video store on the way, called Alphaline Entertainment. These retailers, both owned by the same Sears Holdings, are charging per title, which now makes their services look less-likely to be equivalent to Netflix's subscription model and rather more similar to the unique Apple's iTunes, though it is not yet available for any Mac users for now.

Each episode of any TV Show is being sold for $1.99, whereas complete movies are retailed for a smooth $19.95 and while being rented for a much reasonable $3.99. Assumedly much of their content is strongly protected and can never be burned on any DVD or as the users are able to watch their rented material (or purchased for that matter) on any TV screen connectable via any S-video jack to their PC. Mostly their content is protected through a "virtual locker" hence it can be downloaded to a PC as well, which rather is a better choice for a majority of customers, which don't really want to lose their access of purchased content when entering HBO's exclusive window.

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