Saturday, December 11, 2010

Apple Removes an App on Reports by Change.Org

Apple used its reserved rights recently to remove an iPhone app from the iStore, considering all the anti-gay following forming a huge wave of protests managed by the online petition site The App was initially approved and became available in the App Store this October, the Manhattan Declaration app was owned by the members of the Manhattan Declaration, which is a movement recently formed by a number of Christian leaders advocating their disapproval of both gay marriage and abortion rights. In the process of approving the app, Apple originally rated it as a 4+ App, which meant that it had "no objectionable material."

However, had a different opinion of the same application, they claimed that it is an application which invites people to join anti-gay and anti-choice campaigns, although the Manhattan Declaration app just offers a "survey" which has four questions, including "Do you believe in the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman?" and "Do you support the right of choice regarding abortion?" However, the users whose answers were contrary to the response expected to the beliefs of the group, they all received a long message at the end stating that they have only answered 0 out of 4 questions correctly and have wrong believes. The app also had the option to invite random people to sign up to support and donate to the group's cause.
Nonetheless, created an online petition addressed to Apple CEO Steve Jobs, in reaction to the app, asking from him that the app should be removed for its "hateful and divisive language." This followed around more than 7,700 e-mails from variety of completely different peoples sent through Hence, giving an affirmative response to the cause, Apple finally did remove the app Thanksgiving weekend.

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