After a month long wait, the highly criticized Sony's PlayStation Network has returned most of its features back online. Since the gamers were not able to interact online in internet gaming for a month, almost every user is equally anxious to log in their accounts, change their passwords, and resume the well deserved online gaming they have been patiently waiting for. In addition to that, the "Welcome Back" package of Sony also adds to the attraction; it was announced to compensate and make up for the downtime to all its users.
The “Welcome Back” package has awarded the effected users several offers for free games, movies and more. The PlayStation 3 users have been offered to choose any of the two free games it has put online, out of the list of five games in the “Welcome Package.” These five games are noted to be: Dead Nation, Infamous, Little Big Planet, Super Stardust HD and Wipeout HD. While for the PSP users, it has offered a list of four games, which have been put online for free, to select any two games and return to gaming. The list of four PSP games in the “Welcome Package” includes Little Big Planet PSP, ModNation Racers, Pursuit Force and Killzone Liberation.
Regardless of the gaming console the user belonged, all the PSN users are also going to be offered completely free access to a selection of PlayStation Network movies in the coming weekend. The list of the name of these movies has not been announced yet. Furthermore, the users which were not even subscribed with PlayStation Plus, its premium PSN service which grants gamers plenty discounts and other bonuses, will now be given free one month period to use its premium service. While for the users who already were subscribers of Plus service before the network was suspended, they will be granted a completely free 60 days time in addition to that. The Sony's PlayStation Home virtual world will be offering 100 items for free as well.
All these free offers and incentives bundled in the Sony’s “Welcome Back” package are aimed to return the network to the same grace as it was before the data theft. Adding to the offers by Sony, its streaming service partner, Hulu has also announced to be offering the users with Hulu Plus premium accounts a 25-day credit to compensate for the network outage as well.

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