Sony finally seems to be getting back on its feet; The PlayStation Network is very near to return to normal as the service is revived in Asia this weekend. But now Sony has also begun giving singals about its upcoming PlayStation 4 in the labs. This is not a unique move; in fact it was a much needed move as Sony’s rivals in the market, like Nintendo, are constantly reported to be building Wii 2 and even a new Xbox version. It was reported by Eurogamer, that V.P. and C.F.O. of Sony Corp., Masaru Kato, has to justify the increment he made in the budget for research and development, which will be for PlayStation 4. Kato spoke in a company’s conference call, stating that “For the home equipment the PS3 still has a product life, but this is a platform business, so for the future platform – when we’ll be introducing what product I cannot discuss that – but our development work is already under way, so the costs are incurred there.”
It is already pretty clear that, just like Microsoft, Sony had the policy to invest as much as possible and do maximum business from its current gaming consoles. It was even previously heard that there might not be anything new coming in the market for the next few years, since the company no rather has the capacity to spend more time on development and creating a magnificently advanced technology for the next consoles. However, Industry Gamers have reported that Masaru Kato asserts that this development leap might be shortened and the next version of the gaming system may not be having anything new or big.
This decision might have taken root from the $170 million in lost revenue due to the security breach or other reasons, or maybe the constantly rising costs of the development. It has now been reported that Sony will not be spending as much money in the development of the new console as they did in the previous PS3. Kato clearly declared that “It is no longer thinkable to have a huge initial financial investment like that of the PS3.”
It is still ambivalent for the analysts to predict whether PS4 will be less advanced than its rival products like Xbox or Project Cafe. It is being expected that more details will be announced regarding PS4 at E3 in June.

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