Another buzz has caught fire in the additive world’s greatest social netwo
rk, Facebook. So-called "planking" has become a threat in Australia, as the police fear for any major tragedy. Planking means that the person lies flat on their stomach, keeping their arms against their bodies in peculiar and often dangerous situation, than being photographed and boasted all over the social media sites. This practice has spread like a fire, as in just past few weeks, the Facebook page titled ‘Planking Australia’ gathered more than 55,000 fans posting more and more photos of themselves and others planking on railway tracks, escalators, fire hydrants, motorbikes and other challengeable manners.

Just last week, the state Police department released a formal warning to all the "plankers," urging for them to not put their lives in dangers, and also quoting a death in Brisbane of a planker who fell from a seventh-storey balcony and passed away trying to make a picture of himself in the daring plank. The Deputy Commissioner of Queensland Police, Ross Barnett, elaborated that "This morning we have seen a young man take this activity a step further and attempt to plank on a balcony. Unfortunately he has tragically fallen to his death." This man remains anonymous as the police claims that he was along with one of his friend, planking all night at various locations. Barnett went on saying that "It is what we've been fearing.”
Furthermore, Barnett even cried that she was much more concerned about the lives of other people, who are not planking, but may fall victim as plankers try to compete with each other and go more vicious. She stated that "Police fear that as planking gains popularity there may be more injuries and potentially further deaths." She acknowledges that "Accepting a risk of injury for yourself is one thing, but the potential is there for others to be injured as a result of your behavior."
Last week, another planker of in Queensland got arrested for attempting to "plank" in a police car, as he was charged to be using a police vehicle without lawful excuse. She also asserted that "If other people break the law during this activity they will be charged as well." However, moan fully she agreed that "No penalty will ever return this young man to his family and friends. This is a tragedy and our condolences go to the family."

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