Wednesday, June 15, 2011

An Explosion at Apple Supplier in China, Foxconn, Kills Two Workers Putting Further Stress on iPad 2 Production

A huge blast took place at the Foxconn plant located in the Southwest of China this Friday evening, killing minimum two workers and leaving almost 16 wounded. Dark clouds of smoke were visible right after the blast took place in the building. Foxconn is the manufacture of Apple's largely demanded iPad 2 tablets. The Wall Street Journal published the official statement of Foxconn officials, as they declared that the situation is now under control, however, the cause of the blast remained unknown to them. Further in the statement, Foxconn said that "We are working with medical officials to provide treatment to the injured employees and we are working with government and law enforcement officials to contact the families of all employees affected by this tragedy,"
A video footage was revealed of the situation right after the blast by Sohu. The blast took place at precisely 7PM leading to a complete chaotic and panic struck scene at the site. The video displayed many workers, who were wearing surgical masks, running out of the building premises. M.I.C. Gadget’s reporter Herman Lai was very quick to arrive at the site and reported that the Chinese investigators are not considering the possibility of any human act to be involved which lead to the blast.

This unfortunate incident will once again renew the criticism targeted on Foxconn. Previously it has faced a scandal which highlighted a total of seventeen suicides of company workers, which took place in the building during working hours. This scandal was raised in February, as Wired magazine published its report to exposé Foxconn. It revealed a photo showing nets surrounding the plant, which were allegedly placed to catch the employees which were attempting to commit suicide by jumping from the building.
However, this scandal just recently ended when plenty other articles pointed out, defending Foxconn, that those seventeen suicides for such a company which has employed one million workers is not such a high rate. It was quoted that this suicide rate is almost four times less than the actual suicide rate of American college students.
In the technology market, numerous bloggers have already shown their concern regarding the chances of further delays in the Apple's record breaking iPad 2 tablet sales. Jesus Diaz, from Gizmodo, wrote that "The explosion has for sure halted production in the iPad 2 assembly line, which may affect deliveries right away since the stock of Apple's popular tablet is non-existent--all the iPad 2 get sold straight from the factory.”

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