Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Blu Cigs Takes A Very Unique Step to Bring Together Social Networking and Smoking, Called E-Smoking

It was actually a long time ago when smokers or smoking in general was considered a social advantage; those were the times before the health movement spread immense awareness. In those times the smoker were considered elite and being a smoker has its elite benefits, like getting access to an exclusive club, smokers had their own social community which they considered superior. But now things have changed upside down, not only the smokers are smoking very less, there are very fewer places which even lets them smoke, it will not be surprise if someone stated that smoking is a crime in some places. Now the smoke breaks in offices is not but a wasted few minutes standing alone in the open.
SAN FRANCISCO, CA - MAY 31:  Isaiah Atkinson s...Image by Getty Images via @daylife
The overall reaction of the society as a whole to ban smokers, is largely due to the awareness in the common people regarding the health risks it brings, hence more people are quitting smokes today, than ever before. If we bring together this former addiction of people, with another growing evil addiction of the society, dependence on the technology, we give birth to e-cigarettes. This might also be considered as a desperate attempt to restore the image of smoking. These devices are designed to deliver vaporized nicotine to the user along with the incentive of interacting with other people who have the similar addiction, smoking.
Blu Cigs has realized this social aspect of the story and come up with, one of its kind, its battery-powered electronic cigarettes, which will not only serve satisfaction to smokers but also let them find more friends and socialize simultaneously. The company plans to release a new product, called “Smart Pack,” which is a pack of e-smokes, together with their unique IDs embedded with the ability to detect nearby Blu Cig users, along with locating the Blu Cigs stores. This cannot come without an easy integrated access to today’s vast social networking streams like Facebook and Twitter.
E-smokers will be notified of each other within the range of 50-feet of each other. These smart packs are set to be released in June. Additionally, like plenty other personal electronics, the Smart Packs can easily be synced with computers or laptops allowing the users to manage their own personalized profiles, but interact better friends, and keep track of their intergradations of import social networking websites. It has been disclosed that one smart pack will cost $80, housing five rechargeable e-cigarettes each.

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