Socializing through sharing video is becoming extremely popular, just this Tuesday BlipSnips 2.0 made a special announcement launching an updated TechStars-bred mobile app which will be focusing on the tools like video sharing and tagging. The first BlipSnips for iPhone and Facebook apps were launched back in January 2011, thanks to the brave investors like Chris Kelly, who is the former chief privacy officer at Facebook. The first BlipSnips app released for iPhone totally gathered a total of 125,000 downloads. This release was highlighted and sold for its features like the ability of tagging friends through their Facebook accounts on a specific time in the video, along with adding comments to an exact time stamps within the video, like in SoundCloud’s mobile app. Users were easily able to share and post their videos on Facebook.
Now in this latest BlipSnip 2.0 app, the company promises to provide even more vigorous experience. The new additions and amendments from the last version includes a new “BlipSnip video theater” playable in HTML5 allowing the users to not only view but also tag and comment. Other developments include a public feeds list, ability to tag friends from both Facebook and Twitter, tag your geolocation in the video, sharing on Twitter, and an additional new following/follower feature. The company has further added a new mobile website, keeping its original website intact, where the videos can be tagged and shared on YouTube. The C.E.O. and co-founder of BlipSnips, John Bliss, stated that “In effect, what we’re trying to do is put the social into video, rather than creating a video app that has social as its by-product.” Further implying: “We’re more a social app first, video second.”
Bliss, along with his fellow co-founder Gregory Keller, claims their product to be distinguishing from Viddy, declaring that BlipSnips has its priority to socialism over aesthetics. Keller added that “Our product is how do your friends interweave themselves within the body of the video — and that’s the future.”
Whereas, they related the new app to be more akin to SocialCam, except that SocialCam app only lets the users to comment and tag friends in the entire video overall, but not on specific positions, also not allowing any geo-location. Keller claimed that “We’re all about moments in time within the video.” “It’s the concept of associating pieces of data, important social data, with moments in time of video.”

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