Saturday, April 9, 2011

#EntertainmentNews: Rumors of Amanda Seyfried’s Song 'L'il Red Riding Hood' To Be Released Very Soon

Actress Amanda Seyfried

Spoilers for the upcoming redo of good old fairy-tale, titled ‘Red Riding Hood’  are hitting the road as the rumor about Amanda Seyfried’s uncanny music cover the song titled, ’“L’il Red Riding Hood,” is getting released very soon.
Seyfried is playing the character of Miss Riding Hood in the upcoming big project which is simply just retelling the story we all know. But the real selling point of this movie has turned out to be its director, who is the same who directed Twilight, Catherine Hardwicke.

Just as the same typical folk tale, even this song will also have been very much common already. The lyrics of the song are very much heard, “Hey there Little Red Riding Hood, you sure are looking good,” sung in the voice of the “Woolly Bully” guy.

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