Monday, April 11, 2011

#EntertainmentNews: Charlie Sheen Announces Live Show in Detroit, Chicago

A snapshot of @CharlieSheen's tweet

A spokesman of the much controversial actor, Charlie Sheen, stated that the tickets are expected to go on sale this Saturday for the shows in Detroit and Chicago which are scheduled to take place in the next month. This new show is called "Charlie Sheen Live: My Violent Torpedo of Truth."
His publicist, Larry Solters claimed that Sheen himself will be promoting and he has also begun the rehearsals already. Upon inquiry, she claimed that she is not aware of the nature of the show and neither has she had any clue of whether or not will there be additional performances added to the schedule. Sheen made the official announcement of the show Thursday and Friday to his more than 2 million Twitter followers, calling it "the REAL story."

Solters has allegedly taken the place of Sheen’s previous publicist, Stan Rosenfield, who had unexpectedly resigned from the job couple weeks back. This was the time when Sheen had begun giving those intense interviews to several news channels and radio programs. Solters described himself Friday as "a warlock in training."

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