Monday, February 28, 2011

#EntertainmentNews: Gem of ‘Greys Anatomy’ Patrick Dempsey’s Produced Movie to Be Released Soon

One of the most famous and well known actors of Television Industry, Patrick Dempsey spoke about his upcoming movie that it was his attempt to do something "completely different." This new film titled "Flypaper," and he is among the producers of this project.
While in the promotion of the upcoming movie, the "Grey's Anatomy" actor made an appearance at the Sundance Film Festival. He explained that it was a very different experience and sometimes it was sometimes "painful." However, after all said and done, he now believes that pushing himself outside his comfort zone for this project was definitely a good thing.

"Flypaper," is a movie of comedy genre which focuses on a bank robbery starring Ashley Judd and Tim Blake Nelson. Dempsey himself personally believes that the movie was a great experience and after this experience he might just "probably" produce another film later on as well.

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