Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Mark Zuckerberg Named As the 2010 ‘Person of the Year’ By Times

Mark Zuckerberg, the renowned founder and acting chief executive of Facebook since then, has his social networking website currently even more than half a billion users. He was entitled as Time Magazine's 2010 Person of the Year on this Wednesday. Time has portrayed their ‘Person of the Year’ to be a person who stands most influential in all the event highlights of the year.
Zuckerberg’s story to success as being a nobody at the age of 19 but just another sophomore at Harvard University in 2004 as he initiated his Web experience as Thefacebook.com from no place other than his dorm room, is a true inspiration and makes his life so worth praising. Hence as the story continues till the person ending up as one of the world's youngest billionaires of all times and having his privately owned and operated company, which is predicted to have 2010 revenues of almost $2 billion, Time declared. Above the exhilarating life story, Zuckerberg activities like pledging a $100 million donation to the Newark, New Jersey, school system this year, and his huge success over the Hollywood movie on the subject of his life "The Social Network".

Achievements continue to shine his image, as at the age of 26, Zuckerberg scores the youngest Times Person of the year of all times. A poll among the company, demonstrated readers that noticeable number of readers had favored naming the notorious WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange as this year ‘Person of the Year’ but according to Stengel the magazine's editors and correspondents chose Zuckerberg after consulting among themselves, past winners and other world luminaries.
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