Tuesday, December 21, 2010

New Website Fundry.Com Offers Clever Funding Community for Developers

Foundry.com already has a very wide mixture of projects which are aavailable for investment, ranging from simple open-source projects and WordPress plugins to complex applications for iPhone or Android. Importantly it allows the users to have a review of the apps that are under development and select or choose any which you’d like support; it allows merely any user the option to give away donation. Your contributions end up as funding for the selected features which you are/were most interested to see developed.

Fundry.com itself works on a very simple principle as has given a lot of control in the hands of the investors. Developers who can add more than one of their projects and show off the list new features they plan to develop as the project continues. Interestingly the website, as it grows, will also give the developers an edge to have accept or reject any features requests from their wide community. Funders will later have the liberty to decide on whether which features they want their investment to support. Whereas, once later a feature gets finished and is finally released, everyone who has been a part of pledging in the funding of the particular feature will have time period of seven days to either accept or reject it. The clarity in the process leads many people to believe this initiative might be a very successful one, as once the developers will immediately receive their pledged amounts if the majority of funders will have accept their feature.
Making a pledge will be equally easy as is the rest of the procedure of the website, as funders deposit money with Fundry.com will be made through easily accessible a PayPal account. Whereas, there is no minimum limit of how much of funding can be done though ones’ funds will be able to be withdrawn at any time before a feature is completed and published. And quite predictably Fundry.com’s business model is to charge a certain percentage; five percent has been announced, on each successful funding paid development.

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