Friday, December 3, 2010

15 Most Amazing Sharable Facts about Animals

1.      Elephants have an excellent sense of hearing. This is because their hearing receptors are not only positioned in their ears, but their trunks also are pretty sensitive to different vibrations, whereas even feet also have special receptors for low frequency sound as well.
2.      Lions were the world’s most widespread large land mammal after humans, once like 10,000 years ago.
3.      A lion couple may engage in intercourse as much as around 20 to 40 times a day continued for several days during a mating.
4.      Life span of an Ant queen is up to 30 years, as much as ten times longer than the worker ants having an age maximum of 3 years.
5.      Collectively an army of ants has the potential to consume up to even 100,000 prey animals of different sizes each day.
6.      Giraffe, in average, sleeps even less than 2 hours per day.
7.      All gorillas have almost around 95% to 99% the same DNA as humans, whereas their blood type is always the same (B).
8.      Particular specie of dolphin has up to 250 teeth.
9.      All rats are edible by humans that mean they are suitable to be used as food for all human beings.
10.  Flies just have lifespan of as long as few days only.
11.  Tasmanian devil can eat up to gain almost 40% of their body weight in just 30 minutes time.
12.  Some whale species have lifespan longer than 100 years.
13.  Rabbits are extremely reproductive animals in nature; a single female rabbit can give birth to as many as 800 children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren in only one season.
14.  The most venomous snake on earth, “inland taipan.” Just a single bite of this snake has more than enough poison to kill even more than one hundreds of adult humans.
15.   Even though sharks may have up to 3000 teeth at one time, but their teeth are never able to chew food, as they only tear it into mouth-sized pieces, and are replaceable.

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