Monday, November 1, 2010

Evidently, Even Police Officers Come To Use Facebook For Tracking Crimimals!

Today, when all the senior officers are being been forced to keep pace with the rapidly evolving change in techno-world to gather intelligence on suspects from street gangs to fraudsters. Now, even the courses of thousands of student investigators have been trimmed to train them to bring their work into the 21st century. This includes professional skills on how to gather new information and more importantly how to track down suspects through social networking sites. Where it has been observed, being casual, wanted people may reveal valuable clues. These updated training exercises manly emphasis how to gather the best information from computers, mobile phones and other electronic devices.

Craig Lynch, an escaped prisoner mocked police with clues about his whereabouts on Facebook during four months on the run. He was cought earlier this year.

Nick Gargan. The Deputy Chief Constable of the National Policing Improvement Agency (NPIA) quoted that this updated training course and their exercises are 'Vital' in these words: ''This programme is a vital part of the career pathway for detectives and the new training covers sensitive areas of policing where limited guidance existed previously. These improvements are exactly what detectives need to tackle the challenges and complexities of modern policing effectively.”

Later on he added: “The changes underline the importance to having a national agency to provide guidance and train detectives to a single high standard so they can work on investigations in any part of the country and give their colleagues and the public the best quality service in fighting crime.''

Each year approximately around 3,500 student detectives take the initial crime investigator's development programme. This revised training course also includes new guidance and techniques on how best to investigate honor-based violence, record evidence of domestic abuse and tackle rape as well.

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