Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Blacksheep, just a Firefox add-on protects against Firesheep hackers

Firesheep is the new highly popular hacking tool, which is now-a-days the biggest concern of almost every open Wi-Fi networks user. It's actually a bit of code that will allow just about anyone to access your web accounts via session hijacking. Hence it basically, puts everyone browsing on a non-password-protected Internet connection, like the Starbucks network, at risk for having their accounts accessed by a total stranger.
But now thankfully a Firefox add-on, titled BlackSheep, makes surfing on open networks safe once again. Also another way around this issue is to use a VPN every time you log on via an open network. Bitter fact about that method is that on-average loads of Internet users, take this kind of work-around as a pure hassle; moreover many people care more about convenience than security.

Therefore, it is particularly for this reason that many users are greatly impressed to see that cyber security firm, Zscaler, has such a simple Firefox add-on that will warn you if someone on your network is using Firesheep.
BlackSheep is actually based on the same code as the Firesheep's code; this was to ensure its effectiveness. Now you will be able to feel safe to browse the web on any network.

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