Sunday, October 31, 2010

Microsoft’s Growing Interest In Gesture Technology

Microsoft announced that it is buying Canesta, a small Silicon Valley company that specifically specializes in mastering the gesture-recognition technology, on Friday. Neither company has yet disclosed the financial terms.

It is noticed that this ‘gesture-recognition technology’ is been given much attention lately. This is due to its unique attributes, which include the authority to control computers and other devices through hand movements and other bodily gyrations. It is very similar to the systems rendered in many revolutionary films like “Minority Report.”

Steven A. Ballmer, Microsoft’s chief executive, shared his plans in brief interview. He said that the company is planning on upgrading the gesture technology well beyond video games. “I’m excited to be way out in front and want to push the pedal on that”, said Mr. Ballmer.

Canesta is known for making special chips. According to Herald Tribune, when these chips are attached with a digital camera, they give all manner of devices a sense of depth insight for the world around them, frankly explaining it lets them “see” in three dimensions.

Microsoft and its partners can now equip PCs, televisions, cars, cell-phones and other devices with possibly the best gesture recognition features, only if they decide to use Canesta’s technology.

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